Oh clementine. #30 #weeklywabisabi #oilsketch
Read More18. Grapefruit
Weekly foodie oil sketch #18. I may not like grapefruits, but there were so many great unexpected colors in this. #weeklywabisabi
Read More16. Grapes
Weekly oil sketch #16. This was a fun one to paint. It's not very often you paint something where the shadow areas are red and the light areas are blue. #weeklywabisabi
Read More15. Pomegranate
Back home from LA and excited to paint. Here's my weekly food painting #15 on raw sienna board. #weeklywabisabi
Read More14. Kiwi
Weekly foodie painting #14. Bought my first ever kiwi. #weeklywabisabi
Read More12. Gourd
Weekly oil painting #12. I've never realized how difficult it is to paint the color orange! This and the pumpkin were the hardest ones yet. #weeklywabisabi
Read More11. Pear
Weekly food painting #11. Pear season has begun. #weeklywabisabi
Read More10. Pumpkin
Weekly #oilsketch #10. Hurray for fall products! #weeklywabisabi
Read More9. Avocado
Weekly #oilsketch #9. Another fun one this week. I used a raw sienna toned board. #weeklywabisabi
Read More7. Red Apple
Weekly #oilsketch#7. I had to work quickly with this one. Time was ticking away as my apple kept getting browner!
Read More6. Watermelon
Weekly #oilsketch#6. I was planning on painting an apple this morning, but as I was about to bite into the last piece of watermelon for breakfast I realized this would be more fun.
Read More3. Lemon
Weekly #oilsketch 3. This week I started with an Ultramarine Violet ground. I discovered it was very difficult for my yellow to overcome the strong purple tone, making my painting pretty dark. It was a successful experiment!
Read More2. Lime
Week 2 of our weekly sketches! I painted a lime with a scarlet lake toned board. I don't think I've ever painted on a red ground before, it was really interesting. Only took 30 min.
Read More1. Peach
I've been challenged to a weekly sketch initiative! Every Monday I will do a small oil painting from life. I have an hour time limit and I can only use big brushes. This week I toned my board with my usual Raw Sienna. Here's week 1. #weeklywabisabi